Sunday, August 22, 2004

A killer in Abdely !

I live with animals since I was a kid. I love animals and can’t imagine living a period of my life without owning 1 pet at least!

My Spanish pretty dog was lost in Abdely area, then it was found dead, killed, shot !!! by a monster not a human. How can any person with a heart bare to kill an animal in such an aggressive way. My heart was broken and my tears doesn’t stop whenever I see photos of my Spanish friend (Hershey) , watching me eat or chasing my bike …

Last year on my graduation day I received a gift which was a big surprise! A dog, but not Spanish :) It is a German Shepherd from my brother (my best friend).

Me and the new dog (Buffy) are now good friends and only one thing scares me, will it be killed! Or will it live until it gets old …


LiTTLE BiG said...

CoNGRATuLATioNs ... oN YoUR BiG *AcHiEVeMent*