Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I am sorry :(

I got this sms from her:
I read ur post. Thanks 4 admitting that i exist in ur life :P
shd3wa u made us seem like enemies!
anyway, i want us 2 be close to each other =)
i will call & msg u @ leats once & we have 2 talk 4 at least an hour b4 going 2 bed ;)
o 5l nshof mno ygol az3ajtoni :p
Olla an hour !!!

Last night I was eating dinner in the living room and the T.V. was ON (well its never OFF!)
I was not watching, but it was on Tanateef channel (cooking programmes all day).
mom started talking about how men love food and that it is true what they say "food is the way to a man's heart"!
me: "Then if I get marriend my husband is not going to love me! I cant cook a thing!"
sis: "You cant even cook an egg! and you are proud of it!"
here I remembered when I mentioned this (His daughte is great too, she can't make an egg) in that post!
me: "Hey! you read my blog?"
sis: "yes I do, and you have never mentioned me! I do not exist in your life!!!"
Honestly I was totally surprised! first that she reads my blog and I dont know about it, second is that she is very upset since I do not say anything about her in any of my posts!
me: "well I have nothing to write about! do you really exist in my life? we almost have nothing between us! we dont go out together, we dont talk, we dont share hobbies or interests! we dont even sit and talk"

Then I started thinking ...
why? why are my friends closer to me than my sister?!
why do they know everything about me when she doesnt!
I dont know anything about her! why?

many times people tell me we saw your sis in that place or your sis published something in that magazine or she bought this thing, etc. I tell them I dont know!!! or tawnee adree!
they dont believ me, they say she is your sister! eshlon ya3nee ma tadreen!?
I am the first daughter after three boys that is why I am the closest to dad and closer to my brothers than my sisters also closer to dad than my mom and my sis is 3 years younger than me besides we almost have nothing in common! different personalities, different interests!
she has her own friends while I have my own, I go out either with brothers or my frineds, when I wanna talk or just chat I do that with my brothers or friends, never with my sis!

I love her! but should I feel guilty for not spending some time with her! Last time I was in the car with her, we only said few words! silence was all the way (same thing when am with mom) ...

with my dad, brothers or friends, words just come out and we talk talk talk ,no silent moment!

what is my problem???

well sweet sis, I guess you might see this post, I want u to know that I love u so much :* and I will try my best to be your friend or a real sister for a start :)

and this pic is for you ;)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Do not strip off! :p

Do not strip off! :p
Originally uploaded by Daddy's Girl.
I laugh every morning while I walk from the parking lot to my working place and pass through this poster :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

يفتتح رئيس مجلس الامة جاسم الخرافي صباح اليوم مؤتمر المرأة الوطني
الذي تنظمه لجنة شؤون المرأة في مجلس الأمة
أبي أروح المؤتمر :(

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Thanks dad, you made my day :)

Last night dad told me "etyeen Jakarta? I am going next week inshaAllah"
I didnt get excited like everytime! I didnt say akeeed! heyya!
instead I was silent thinking ...
He said "adree dawamech kil mara esawonlich salfa 3al ejaza! la tet7asefeen its just 5 or 6 days ma teswa, kheshay ejaztech o ta3alelee amreeka bi9ef or etha tabeen awadeech mokan thanee"
Now I dont know what to decide! I dont know what to do :'(
I wanna go see my Indonesian friends especially that one of them her birthday was last week,
I did call her but didnt send a gift yet, I can just send the gifts with dad and not go.
But since am planning to quit this job as soon as I find another one, why dont I take 5 days from my credit, then in August I might be in my new job then I can have many leave days, right?
I am still not sure about anything. Me working is a mistake!!!
I used to go everywhere with dad, we decide today, book right away, pack and travel in the nearest flight, we dont think alot and dont take time to decide.
Now I have a job and I cant do whatever I want whenever I want :(
Of course I called TF and talked, talked, talked, then slept with tears as usual :p
Today morning I walked out of my room half asleep, saw dad and he gave me a big kiss and since his face and beard were full of water (has just washed his face), my cheek got wet then dad laughed at me and said "lesh ga3da tabcheen?" hehhe :)
I then got ready for work carried my 3 bags! and went downstairs,
there I found my dad cooking! He is invited for breakfast at his friend's place, so he was making something to take with him.
Daddy is a great cook mashaAllah!
His daughte is great too, she can't make an egg :p
We talked a bit, he made me laugh again then I left to work with a big smile.
In the car my fingers typed this in my cell phone
"baba I love you :*" and pressed Send!


Monday, April 16, 2007

ماحب شي إسمه ... ملقوفييين

كان شعور غريب وموقف غير متوقع لما موظف معاي بالدوام عرف إني بلوقر واكتشف بلوقي !!!
أهو كان يشتغل بمكان ثاني وقبل جم شهر توظف عندنا وياني إحساس جم مرة إن اهو بلوقر مادري ليش
المهم سالفة شلون فتح الموضوع وشنو قالي واشصار هذي مو السالفة إلي بقولها الحين
السالفة إن صارلنا موقف أمس بالدوام
وقلت أكتب عنه لأن حده منبطة جبدنا من السالفة
وحدنا معصبين :p
إي نسيت أقول لكم منو أهوه !
he is Financy ...
أمس سوا عزيمة بالدوام
مو حق الكل بس مجموعة صغيرة تقريبا 5 أشخاص
حطينا الأكل بمكتب وحدة من البنات وبما إن مكاتبنا مفتوحة من جهة وحدة يعني ماكو باب
يبنا بارتيشين نستخدمه وقت الصلاة وحطينا كأنه باب
يعني إلي يمر ما يدري في أكل داخل وعفسة
وبما إن شركتنا فيها وايد ملقوفين ! ومن النوع إلي ما ينحرج ولا يتفشل لما أحد يدقرهم أو يزفهم
يعني ماكو فايدة !
فما حب
إن يكون معانا أحد من هالمجموعة
عزيمته وكيفه ! صح؟
المهم آنا كنت ماكلة قبل لا أدري عن العزيمة
والصراحة حتى لو ما كنت ماكلة أستحي آكل جدامهم
بس أصروا إني أكون موجودة فقعدت معاهم أشرب بيبسي :)
بعد 10 دقايق أو أقل
سمعنا أكثر واحد ملقوف بالدوام
أهو مع
وكتب عنه جم مرة! من كثر ما متأذي من لقافته إلي مو طبيعية من غير مبالغة
أهو يا عند البارتيشين يسأل وحدة معانا عن شغله
إهي قالت له آنا الحين قاعدة آكل
جان يفتح البارتيشين
ويدخل !!!
إحنا بققنا عيونا
شلون يفتح بدون لا يستأذن
لا ويدش بعد يعني مو بس يطل
شاف الأكل جان يقول
واو منو شاري هالأكل؟
إحنا ساكتين وكل واحد يطالع الثاني
آنا كالعادة فيني ضحكة ! ماعرف أمثل نفسهم ولا أخش ضحكتي
توهق ما يبي يقول إن عزيمته خصوصا إن هذا معاه بالقسم وكل شغله معاه وما اعزمه ويانا !
جان يقوله
Ra-1 !
Ra-1 شرت الأكل
(مادري اشمعنه وهقني آنا!)
آنا ابتسمت ومشيت الفلم
جان يطالعني
انتي شارية الأكل شنو المناسبة ؟؟؟
اهني توهقت جان أقول له
ماكو مناسبة بس جذي
جان يقول أها يعني حفلة صغيرة بس
آنا ضحكت وأطالع إلي معاي كلهم معصبين وويوهم معبرة حده حاقدين عليه يبونه يطلع
فجأة وبدون مقدمات
خذا الصحن إلي جدامي
جان يحط له أكل
إحنا أهني لا تعليق
ترس الصحن ماشالله ! وللأسف كان في كرسي فاضي
جان يقعد
آنا اهني ما قدرت
طلعت رحت مكتبي أضحك بغيت أبجي من الضحك !
خلصت جان أرجع عندهم
ولا كلهم ساكتين
محد يسولف ومحد يتكلم وحدهم معصبين
والأخ مو حاس وقاعد ياكل ويحط له مرة ثانية !!!
جان يقول لي
هذا الأكل من أي مطعم؟
آنا أشكره سألتهم شسم المطعم؟
جان يقولون لي الاسم
جان أقوله
واهو ما استوعب
يمكن لأن المطعم صيني فصدق إن آنا
كلهم يدرون شلون أموت على الصين وأحب أي شي صيني :)
جان يقول والله حلو أكلهم
ويقعد يسأل أسإله
مو اهوه لازم يسوي تحقيق
بس هالمرة نسى يسأل جم دفعتي !
يقول له
مدام عاجبك المطعم ودي مرتك
ليش ما توديها مسكينة كله قاعدة بالبيت
جان يقول له
آنا أطلعها مرات
جان يرد عليه : وين توديها تشتري لها فلافل؟
(حده بايعها آنا خفت تصير هوشة) :p
الملقوف ما رد بس ضحك وغير السالفة
المهم أخيرا خلص أكل وفكر يقوم! جان يشكرني
أهم شي :p
وكلنا ساكتين
إحنا صكينا البارتيشين
جان كلنا نتكلم بنفس الوقت
كل واحد معصب ومتنرفز ويتحطلم
شلون يدش بدون عزيمة وياكل ويشوف الكل يخزه ومستغرب من تصرفه ولا يستحي
آنا الصراحة من الصدمة ما استوعبت إلي صار
لأن أول مرة أشوف أحد جذيه !!!
والله الموقف ما ينوصف بس لو كنتوا موجودين جان فهمتوا شنو أقصد
ترا لقافته قوية !
حتى الملقوفين ما يسوون إلي سواه
ما كسر خاطرنا إلا
اختربت عزيمته وما استانس فيها
يالله إن شالله عزيمة ثانية

Friday, April 13, 2007

ترجمة لو سمحتوا


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Scary weather out there!

الجو يخرع !
غبار قوي وظلمة
قبل شوي كان الجو أحمر! الحين صار كل شي أبيض
بس لي الحين ظلمة
آنا أغلب الأيام أصفط بعيد مو بمواقف الدوام
عشان أحب أمشي
أهد المواقف القريبة وأصفط بمواقف غيرها بعيدة
وبالمواقف البعيدة أدور أبعد موقف ! عكس الناس أدري
الحين شلون بطلع وبمشي لي سيارتي بهالجو
يخوف :/
على ما خلصت كتابة طليت من الدريشة ولا الجو متغير
سبحان الله بسرعة !
اطلعت الشمس تقريبا وخف الغبار وايد :)
بس ماحب الهوااا :'(

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Why not have a brownie at work ;)

Originally uploaded by Daddy's Girl.

( 3 ) مما قرأت

نص من سفر إشعياء يقول نبوءة متعلقة بدمشق
( انظروا فإن دمشق لن تبقى مدينة بعد الآن بل ستصبح كومة من ركام )

Monday, April 09, 2007

(2) مما قرأت

"سفر إشعياء"

اسم كتاب هذا السفر يعني (خلاص يهوه) وهو مماثل لمعنى
يشوع: (يهوه هو الخلاص) والاسم يشوع يظهر في العهد الجديد
على شكل (يسوع) اسم المسيح الذي تنبأ به إشعياء
وتتراوح آراء المؤرخين لزمن كتابة هذا السفر بين 485 ق.م. و 780 ق. م

يقول بعض المؤرخين إن حادث تدمير بابل على يد كزيرسيس
هو الذي أوحى بهذا الكتاب وهو يمثل نموذجا رئيسيا للكتب التنبؤية اليهودية

يرد في سفر إشعياء عدد كبير من النبوءات
خاصة تلك المتعلقة بتدمير بابل والتي تصدر الأحكام ضد الأمم
مثل الفلسطينيين ومؤاب ودمشق ومصر ودوما وجزيرة العرب والقدس وصور
وفيه أيضا نبوءات تتعلق بالمستقبل القريب والبعيد
ويقال إن أول ما قرأه المسيح من الكتب اليهودية هو سفر إشعياء

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Just let her be

*This post was edited and some lines were added, since it was misunderstood*

Why do they talk about him when she is around ?

Why do they keep reminding her of him?

Why do they bring his news and say it infront of her?

Why? when they know she doesnt want to hear

Why? when they know she doesnt want to know

Why? when they are the reason she is not with him

Why now? when it is more than a year since he last proposed

Why now? when he finally proved that he is an irresponsible person

Why now? When she got conviced that he doesnt deserve her

Why now? When he succeeded in making her hate him

Why not leave her alone when that is her only wish!

Friday, April 06, 2007

What is going on!?

قرأنا في المدونات بالأسبوعين الماضيين
عن موضوع إيقاف برنامج ديوانية الأسبوع
وأن السبب هو حلقة المدونات التي لا يريدون بثها
نظرية المؤامرة !؟
ولكن تبين العكس
حيث أن الحلقة ستبث يوم الأثنين هذا الأسبوع !!!
أفكر في هذه الأسئلة من فترة
هل ستضرب أمريكا إيران كما هو واضح!؟
هل ستكون الضربة في 6 أو 7 من هذا الشهر !!؟؟؟ أي اليوم أو غدا
هل ستتأثر الدول المحيطة؟
هل ستكون حربا شاملة؟
متى ستنتهي وكيف!؟

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I am not weird! I am gifted ;)

TF tagged me ... to write ten weird things or habits that I do ...
and since everyone thinks am weird even at home! I can write a never end list :p

1- My face expressions! every feeling shows in my face, can never be hidden! some say I do kids expressions others say its just like cartoos characters LOL

2- I never shout and I dont know how to shout! I have a low voice ...

3- I am a ketchup addict! I eat ketchup with everything and cant eat anything without ketchup!

4- I cry almost everyday! I cant hold my tears which is many times very embarrasing ...

I cry (when am happy, when am sad, when i miss someone, when am hungry, when i see someone poor, when i see someone crying, when I watch a movie, when I read something touching, etc...)

my brother eb9ara7a always calls me (Om Edme3a) أم دميعة :p

5- When I laugh I cant stop! (this is embarrasing too sometimes) لا تضحكوني :)

6- Understanding kids ...

الحمدلله عندي القدرة على التعامل مع الأطفال !

أي ياهل حتى إلي ماعرفهم ولا يعرفوني أقدر أفهمهم وأقدر أقنعهم

وأقدر أخلي إلي يبجي يوقف بجي وأقدر أضحكهم

وأخليهم يسوون إلي أبيه من غير ما أعصب ولا أزفهم حتى لو كانوا من النوع العنيد

وأجاوب على أي سؤال عندهم بإجابة يستوعبونها واهمه يبونها

أذكر مرة كنت مع رفيجتي بالسيارة ومعانا أخوها عمره 5 أو 4 سنين

سألها سؤال إهي جاوبته بالإجابة المعروفة لهالسؤال

أهو قال لها لأ! ورد سأل السؤال ومتضايق ليش اهيه مو فاهمة قصده

آنا جاوبته بطريقة ثانية

أهو استانس من الجواب وسكت

إهي استغربت قالت اشدراج إن قصده جذي !

I just know :p

7- I am still keeping my stuffed toys and many (cabbage patch kids) from when I was a kid, and till now I buy me one stuff toy at least whenever I travel, My bed is full of them, and above my closet there are lots of them too (not just teddy bears but all kinds of animals)
!أمي تقولي إذا تزوجتي حطيهم ببقشة واخذيهم وياج
(أخاف يهون يقول شنو آنا متزوج ياهل) LOL

8-I feel food, I think they have feelings just like us!
(example) when I see someone eating fruits and she left one peice, I hold the fruit and tell her
شوفيها تكسر الخاطر حرام كليتي خواتها وخليتيها بروحها الحين تبجي :(

مينونة؟ :p


Two points left! to be continued inshaAllah :) تعبت

I tagg ( Purg ... Expatriate ... LittleBig ...
EnsanBasee6 ... Ray ... Mishari ... KilaMa6goog )

Monday, April 02, 2007

(1) مما قرأت

يقول الكاتب
Randall Price
الآن في إسرائيل تجري الاستعدادات لبناء الهيكل الجديد
ويتم إعداد كل شيء من وضع التصميم الأولي إلى تفاصيل الأثاث إلى تدريب وإعداد الكهنوت الجديد
من أجل تحقيق النبوءة وإنجاز ما يمكن وصفه بأنه أكثر مشاريع البناء تميزا في هذا الزمان

من كتاب
The coming last days temple

Sunday, April 01, 2007

To blog or not to blog?

from kuwait times
To blog or not to blog?
Published Date: March 30, 2007
By Sumayyah Meehan
Now that is a good question. Just about everyone I know has a blog. They keep sending me annoying little blog invitations and I am getting lost in them all. The whirlwind of blogs available is also confusing. Some blogs are about life in general others are bitter political diatribes and some are just silly with content about pets or the latest fashions. There is so much hype surrounding the blogging craze and blogs are definitely going to shape the future of socialising on the net. So anyone planning a future on the net needs to explore blogging.

I have to admit that I was late in even knowing about the blog craze. The first time I even heard the word 'blog' I thought it was a mistake. I thought that I was being told about, "The Blob" which is a sci-fi movie that was made in 1958 about a killer alien that resembles a blob of red J-ello. I actually had to search the term 'blog' on the net. I discovered that a guy named Travis Petler invented the blog, or personal diary, back in 1997. He used the term 'Web Log' on his own personal web dairy while studying at Brown University. He simply cut of the 'W' and the 'E' to make the word 'blog'.

Once I found out what a blog was I set to work to find blogs based in Kuwait. My absolute favourite blog is one of the first ones I found. The content is awesome and always current. It is called 'K The Kuwaiti' (www.K.TheKuwaiti.com). The creator/owner of the site goes by the same nickname as his blog or 'K' for short. He is a 23-year-old systems engineer and lives in Kuwait. K launched his blog in 2005. He was inspired by two of his friends, Mark (www.248am.com) and Nibaq (www.2by4.org), who had already established their blogs early on. "My friends had started their blogs awhile back and I was a constant reader. There were times where I felt I had certain topics that I wanted to express; and after spending enough time commenting; I decided it was time to shift to my own blog," says K.

Deciding on Content: As for deciding on content for his blog, in order to keep things up to date and interesting, K turns to his nearest and dearest for their input. In terms of content, K says, "I usually discuss matters that I personally find interesting or important; I am also influenced by topics brought up by friends and family." K's formula for success appears to be working; He averages about 15,000 visitors a month and that adds up to a whopping 100,000 monthly hits.

Creating your own blog: Ready to jump on the blogging bandwagon, I turned to K for his advice for creating my own blog based in Kuwait. It is so easy that anyone can do it! According to K there are numerous methods in setting up your very own blog. " The easiest would be to visit popular blogging sites (wordpress.com and blogger.com) and create an account. This would give you your own sub-domain (user.wordpress.com or user.blogspot.com) and account to create a quick blog," says K, " You could also purchase a domain (www.yourname.com) and host your own blog (installing wordpress); that would require a bit more work."

Keeping it fresh One of the unfortunate things that I noticed while pouring through the innumerable blogs based in Kuwait is that most of the blogs are almost identical. The bloggers are talking about the exact same things. This totally takes the fun out of blogging and will totally cause your blog to crash and burn into a fiery twisted chunk of text if you don't keep the content fresh. K advises, "To make a blog different and special you want the reader to discover something new or something interesting. This involves finding topics, which haven't been touched upon or expressed from your viewpoint." For example, K says, "Reading a woman's perspective on being allowed to vote in Kuwait allows me to understand the significant shift of politics. Or reading about what foreigners see from their viewpoint in Kuwait allows for the citizens to fix issues they didn't realise were present." K suggests visiting the site www.KuwaitBloggers.com to read blogs by other people living in Kuwait. But he warns, "Your blog should echo your perspective and not that of blogs that you read." From my newfound perspective, blogging is an awesome idea. It's a way to connect with others by sharing your life experiences and viewpoints. And blogging has already demonstrated that it is an influential force in the political landscape (Kuwait's Orange Revolution) and I am convinced it will continue to shape the way we live and think. So, let your voice be heard and start blogging TODAY!