Monday, October 25, 2004

Better not to marry!

>>> Yesterday I heard a bad news! another friend is DIVORCED ...
She is the second in this month! and the forth this year !!! All four DIVORCED before even completing two months of marriage !
I sat silent ... alone ... thinking ... WHY? didn't they asked enough about their fiances (personality) (manners) (way of thinking) (what they like/dislike) ? didn't they meet enough?

>>> My friends are only between 19-22 years old and they are called DIVORCED now! [that is scary] :(
I don't know how to explain what is happening? DIVORCE rates in the first year of marriage are increasing rapidly! didn't you notice that? Whose fault is it? What are the reasons in your opinion???


Purgatory said...

Interesting post, but I cannot comment on these matters, too controversial :)

nibaq said...

I think it is due to a problem in communicating and not having a future outlook.

Q said...

Hmm....People dont think anymore, they just follow orders. Also, most grow up spoilt and when they marry young, they'r faced with the realities of life and big choices, and instead of facing anything, they decide to run away!

Ra-1 said...

Doodle and Q welcome to my blog :)

Ra-1 said...

Purg ... as you like

Ra-1 said...

Doodle ... you are right, it will be totally different life

Ra-1 said...

Yellow ... highly overrated! what do u mean? (explain if possible)

Ra-1 said...

Nibaq ... (problem in communicating) is a logical reason

Ra-1 said...

Maryam ... one of them said he is bad (em-atheeha)!!! another said he is so calm and boring!!! the third said she hated him !!! [no comments from my side] :\

bo_ghazi said...

Ra-1 what are the ages of the "ex-husbands" I have a feeling thier young as well.

Ra-1 said...

BoGhazi ...
yes they are young!

bo_ghazi said...

I remember one time i was sitting in a coffee shop (actually it was a regular "maqha" but i wanna make look fancy :p) anyway.. next to my table were two young guys who had the following conversation:
(Guy-1): ee yoba shtaaby ba3ad?? Kaak takharajt! al7een qaddim 3al khadma almadanya, o lamma titwathaf ig3ad yammi3 ma3ash bo cham shahar o waraha mayabeelah ba3ad tizawaj!!
(Guy-2): (said nothing but he looked like he LOVED the idea!!!)
Problem is many parents push thier kids to get married ASAP just for the sake of (nastir 3ala alwald/albint)!!!
of course thats only one of the many factors that leads to a divorse but now its 4:36 AM.. and finally i'm feeling sleepy..good night

Ra-1 said...

Yellow ... now I got what you mean :)

Ra-1 said...

BoGhazi ... el7emdella that none of my parents thinks that it is better to get married ASAP, they always say that the most important thing is finding the good spouse no matter how long we will wait or search ... I don't know why many people prefer early marriage and feel it is the only way to secure their future!

True Faith said...

These girls are not the kind of girls that can handle a responsibility as marriage.

They want to leave as they where living there parents house.

Which is wrong. They should have waited before asking for the divorce.

But they don’t really care. They went home asking there parents to get them divorce, with out giving there husbands the chance to prove there selves. They want every thing for there selves without even trying to listen.

Yes, it is a big problem. But it could not be a reason for not getting married.

MASS said...

Ithfar bi-that adeen tarebat yadaak

Anonymous said...

nice guys they don't have to marry
cause they have a lot of love & kindness to share that's why they most not marry. They have to share there love & kindness with all the people. This is not an excuse to get laid