Tuesday, September 07, 2004


here is an article I read today ...

What have your children been doing this summer? If kids do not keep their brains active, they will lose about 2 months (approx. 22%) of what they learned from school the previous year according to the Johns Hopkins Center for Summer Learning. This is known as the “Summer Slide.”
At the end of the school year, my son brought home a booklet filled with all sorts of homework for the summer. While a second look at the booklet really shows that it is not so overwhelming after all, the damage was done.
“Homework for the summer!” children all over exclaimed.
The pages and pages of math problems are mainly made up of one-minute timed tests, which should in effect really take up a total of 10 minutes. The long list of books of suggested reading, although followed by a summer reading record, didn’t mean they had to read those specific books or even that many.
Anyhow, everything just backfired so badly, it has taken weeks to fix the damage. Now here we are, a few weeks away from the start of the school year, and the kids’ brains need some polishing up. Where do we begin?
ReadingProvide reading materials for your kids. If your kids can’t sit still long enough to be encouraged to start a book, get them a selection of short stories or magazines. Take them to a bookstore or library, and let them choose their own books. Throw in an occasional comic book, as long as it meets your approval. Don’t forget to read together around bedtime, it’s a great habit they’ll cherish for a long time.
History and ScienceVisit a museum. Learn about the history of your area or some place else. Some cities have kids’ museums to stimulate children’s scientific thinking. Visit a planetarium to learn about the stars and planets.
GeographyWatch the Olympics! While watching individual competitions, choose a country to root for, and then look it up on the atlas. Try to encourage your kids to identify it by its flag. Remember though that after sitting in front of the TV for so long, you will need to get the kids physically active. Try holding your own home version of the Olympics.
Remember, make it fun, participate with them, enjoy yourself, and do not, under any circumstances, use the word “homework!”


7aram 3alehom even in the summer holiday!
What do u think?


Ra-1 said...

d3aya 7ag sheno ! ma fahamt !!!