Saturday, September 11, 2004

Soug el 7areem !

yesterday was a different Friday ...
I woke up @ 8:30 , left home at 9 heading to (soug elHareem) !

I need some photos for a competition am thinking to participate in and I chose soug el7areem to take my shots in ...
I took photos of nearly everything there ... dararee3 ... echmaqat ... '7amat ...

only 2 old ladys shouted at me, making everybody else in the soug look at me !
these ladys who sell the things over there with many others are wearing masks (barage3), so even if they by mistake appeared in my photos, what's the big deal :p their faces dont show !

one of them shouted at a man (hathee 9aweratnee len galat bas!) LOL
and the other one said (ta3alay ebnaya entay Tarbeya Asaseyya, jam3a?)
(lesh ma tgoleen e9eer a9awer!!! bas et9awreen!)

they were shouting louldly, I got scared ...
my answers were a smile (yellow one)

... I had fun and I got a big collection of photos , I even printed them at the same day ...

One seller was sad telling me that the soug will be removed and it will be replaced with a new building but selling the same old stuff !


Anonymous said...

that is sad...... i dont see why they should remove such places!! it is part of kuwait history and culture which people enjoy!!

got a post on changes on my blog

nibaq said...

Taking photos in Kuwait is tough at times. People start questioning your reasons and ask if you are with the news paper. Most though just enjoy it and start posing.

My issues has always been is that I have a big SLR so if I am taking a picture it is not tough to notice yet I get crap for how dare you point it at me when I wasnt even paying attention to them. At least you see me taking a picture compared to the camera phones when you dont know what they are doing.

Ra-1 said...

Anonymous how can I know which blog is yours ???
Nibaq what is SLR ?

Purgatory said...

they have a point, why not ask first, say something like you want to make a report in a paper or magazine.

Ra-1 said...

how can I ask them all !
I was taking pictures from every corner and every place there ...

Purgatory said...

James bond? just take a few and run

Ra-1 said...

to be honest ... I was going to RUN away!

nibaq said...

Standard Lens Reflex (SLR) is those big cameras where you can change the lenses.

What competition is this for?

I myself am going backwards with cameras, Digital, then color film, black and white film. Now I am going to Polaroids.

Here is a cool article about taking pictures where they are groups of people to get that candid shot.

My blog is Savior Machine

Purgatory said...

well next time take your phone cam

Ra-1 said...

nibaq ... are u a photographer?
... It is a competition in Qatar, I sent the photos today,wish me luck :)
purg ... phone cam !!!
first I dont have a phone cam !
second I needed professional digital photos :)

Purgatory said...

Ah competiton, forgot about that. Then you needed their permission

nibaq said...

I take enjoy taking pictures, I wouldn't consider myself a photographer.
I have over 10 rolls of black and white film that I need to develope from my trips. Just haven't had time to dedicate myself to do it.